CVE: Entry
Metadata shows the Assigner of this CVE from the List of Partners.
The Description is shown in all available languages. (usually only in English)
The score of the latest version of the CVSS.
CVSS scores are shown in all available versions, please see NIST NVD Vulnerability Metrics for details on versions and CVSS in general.

Whenever applicable we show information from the Known Exploited Vulnerabilities Catalog provided by CISA as the authoritative source of vulnerabilities that have been exploited in the wild.

When available, the Timeline shows the timeline of events leading to the current version of the CVE.
When available, the Credits mention people or organisations who helped discover this vulnerability.
References include links to e.g. Vendor reports, posts, etc. We also add a link to the CVE on the official and NIST NVD ( National Vulnerability Database) websites for your convenience.
Download JSON gives you access to the JSON representation of the CVE. Please refer to CVE Record Format for further information.

The Description is shown in all available languages. (usually only in English)
The score of the latest version of the CVSS.
CVSS scores are shown in all available versions, please see NIST NVD Vulnerability Metrics for details on versions and CVSS in general.

Whenever applicable we show information from the Known Exploited Vulnerabilities Catalog provided by CISA as the authoritative source of vulnerabilities that have been exploited in the wild.

When available, the Timeline shows the timeline of events leading to the current version of the CVE.
When available, the Credits mention people or organisations who helped discover this vulnerability.
References include links to e.g. Vendor reports, posts, etc. We also add a link to the CVE on the official and NIST NVD ( National Vulnerability Database) websites for your convenience.
Download JSON gives you access to the JSON representation of the CVE. Please refer to CVE Record Format for further information.

Updated on: 17/11/2024
Thank you!